Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Salads may cause Neurocysticercosis

It is well known that infestation with tapeworm in pork-eaters may cause neurocysticercosis when the infection reaches the brain through the blood. In India majority of vegetarians or salad-eaters and non pork-eaters have also been showing the disease. Neurocysticercosis have been found to be more prevalent in salad-eater children as compared to adults. Vegetables like cabbage, carrot, beat and radish, eaten raw could lead to cysticercosis. Farm workers should be educated to wash the vegetables in clean water before marketing or consuming. Contaminated water used for irrigation and washing the vegetable before marketing is the major cause of increasing incidence of neurocysticercosis in the rural and urban population in developing countries. Vegetarians and those who do not eat pork are equally at risk due to their salad eating habit. There is a need to develop healthy eating habit and to avoid eating salads prepared at restaurants and fast food outlets as majority of them avoid properly washing the vegetables during preparation of salads. Be conscious about hygiene.

Symptoms of neurocysticercosis are: Intense headache and seizures if the tapeworm travels to the brain. After the eggs are hatched in the intestine, the worms travel through blood stream to different organs like, brain, heart, eyes and even the spinal chord. In muscles, cysts cause nodules under the skin. Cysts in eyes can impair vision and the lesions caused by tapeworm in heart may lead to cardiac arrhythmias or heart failure.

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